Products found specifically for the floor of a vehicle are designed primarily to reduce airborne sounds & low frequencies acoustics caused from tyre or road rumble and to keep the floor warm underfoot. All products can be fitted directly to the rear floor. The key is to mass load the floor to kill off noise whilst adding some further insulation underfoot.
Application on the floor of your vehicle can be a difficult decision. Should I or shouldn't I? Below we show some options and ideas.
Remember that the majority of noise and low frequency airbourne noise comes through the floor so completing a coverage on the floor is where you will see a big impact! It is not just about being warm underfoot. You can achieve warmth easily through ply or other coverings
The floor of the vehicle is stiff through the ribs so will not resonate like the panels. The best advice is to fit a product which fits in your budget and build. Many DIY builders look at PIR boards usch as Celotex. Whilst this has good structural ability, it will offer no acoustic isolation from low frequency road roar. It also takes up valuable head room and can leave an airspace under the ribs allowing for condensation build up & it also can work out more expensive! PIR can work though if you can accept loss of head room but you must install a foam barrier such as Dodo Mat Super Liner beneath first.
We covered this in a blog here
Some options below to consider!
To frame out a vehicle floor, 9mm ply strips bonded to the floor with the products laid over the top and a new ply sub floor screwed to the strips is aways the best way.
Thermo Liner Pro is designed to be soft and malleable and therefore not appropriate for use on the floor due its ability to be compress, it is too soft. A ply floor fitted directly to the liner will dip under pressure. Instead there are two direct lliner options Dodo Duo which is a mix of Deadening & Super Liner in an all in one product. At 4.5mm and Pro version coming in thicker and more dense at 7mm, this will keep the height loss down while reducing road noise through the rear floor, it can also be used on the wheel arches. Remembering that the rear floor is more about sound and acoustic comfort.
The other option is to use 6mm Super Liner, we see this option when customers use any extruded insulated flooring and the height loss still needs to be kept to a minimum. 6mm Super Liner is perfect for this point.
Finally a more budget friendly is simply to add deadening alone, this will reduce the acoustics of course but will not insulate against any thermal loss. CTK is great for this being 500mm sheet size. The final option is Dodo Hex in roll form however as mentioned above, the floor will not resonate like other areas so output will be limited.
We find the best approach is to run 9mm strips bonded to the floor, fitted with Dodo Duo or CTK Sandwich over the full area then ply fixed and screwed to the 9mm strips/battens. Where possible avoid raising floor height which will reduce headroom!!
Whilst it's a perfect build to cover the floor totally and will provide a vehicle which acoustically is top notch and warm, it will always depend on your build in the back as to products which you choose with a decision to be made over weight, cost and head room.