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Quantity Guide

SWB Small Van [Transporter, Vivaro, Relay]

Insulation | 10m2 Thermo Liner

Sound Deadening | 60 - 80 Sheets (Sides & Roof)

Floor | 40 Sheets of sound deadening or x1 Twin Pack of Dodo Duo as an upgrade

LWB [Transporter, Vivaro, Relay]

Insulation | 20m2 Thermo Liner

Sound Deadening | 60 - 100 Sheets (Sides & Roof)

Floor | 40 Sheets of sound deadening or x3 Rolls of Dodo Duo as an upgrade

Large Van (Crafter, MAN, Sprinter)


Insulation | 20m2 Thermo Liner

Sound Deadening | 60 - 100 Sheets (Sides & Roof)

Floor | 40 Sheets of sound deadening or x3 Rolls of Dodo Duo as an upgrade


Insulation | 25-30m2 Thermo Liner (Allow for windows)

Sound Deadening | 60 - 100 Sheets (Sides & Roof) approx 8-10sqm

Floor | 40 Sheets of sound deadening or x4 Rolls of Dodo Duo as an upgrade

We have packages which include DodoMat DEADN, CTK and Dodo Thermo Liner Pro.  All offer a variety of prices. The best price currently is with a CTK package.  CTK is a Euro brand Sound Deadening brought to the UK by DODOMAT offering the same excellent quality butyl deadening.

Technical Sheets 



Package kits


Sound Deadening

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